
A Sweet Burden (2019) - Short Film

Produced by Naomi Ferne & Duran Abdullah
Shot on Super8
- Photo series & 3D Gifs

A message of hope and perseverance to re-navigate your sense of self, your skills and creativity when life backs you into a corner taking away your freedom.
When Duran was suffering for years with a chronic kidney illness, multiple surgeries meant she could no longer dance or work. During her times of recovery, she kept herself from crippling depression by turning to other creative outlets from the space of her bedroom. During this time, she spent much time alone self teaching and developing entirely new skill sets. These skills have been carried forward into her work now and the experience has inspired much of her work and ethos


Artist: AutumnX
Creative Direction: Remi Black
Stylist: Gruntage Baby 

Warrior Child (2018) - Short film
Finding ones self through dance. Warrior child is a poetic exploration of culture and identity through the female gaze.
Starring Duran Abdullah
